Illinois Distracted Driving Laws Strictly Enforced
Because of the toll on Illinois roads that distracted driving is taking, legislatures including Illinois’ now make operating a cell phone while driving a moving violation. Likewise, Scott’s law, which mandates slowing down and moving over for a first responder’s vehicle with lights activated, is being vigorously enforced in light of a record number of Illinois State Trooper fatalities in 2019.
You may have heard traffic enforcement is down in Chicago, which is true, because now officers have to appear in traffic cases in the circuit court rather than face a layman hearing officer in an administrative hearing. Regardless, these are highly fact intensive situations. Traffic safety experts, engineers, and statisticians generally agree that distracted driving may be as responsible for automotive accidents in an amount equal to or greater than drunken driving! Distracted driving can be as old fashioned as a housewife frequently taking her eyes off the road to turn around and yell at her children in the minivan or as modern as someone juggling their cell phone, onboard navigation system, or possibly both!
Drive carefully, or you could be charged with distracted driving, and you may face severe criminal penalties. Do not, however, just wonder or try to do your own legal research via internet search! Call the actual DuPage County traffic violation lawyers at Ramsell & Kunowski, L.L.C., LLC at 630-665-8780 whenever you get a traffic ticket and we can advise you how best to proceed!